MMM Extra

MMM participants strive for honesty, justice and good deeds. Joining the Community people are changing noticeably — they become more confident and happier, they are willing to help other people. In order to encourage you for the Community development we have launched MMM “EXTRA”.
Get up to 100% per month in MMM “EXTRA”
Taking part in the program, your MAVRO growth makes up 20-100 % per month.  There isn’t any bank or any financial project in the world that suggests such percentage.  After launching MMM “EXTRA” these figures became real for everyone.
To get your MAVRO up to 100% per month you should accomplish 1 simple daily task, which takes you only 5-15 min. These tasks develop the Community, so the suggestion is advantageous both for participants and the Community.
How it works:

  • For each accomplished task you get 2,66% to MAVRO growth. You can do only 1 task per day.
  • If you accomplish tasks everyday during the month, the total MAVRO growth makes up 100%. You will double up  your money.
  • If you do not accomplish any task per month, the total MAVRO growth makes up 20%.
You have 2 everyday options in MMM EXTRA:
  1. Accomplish a task and get additional 2,66% to the MAVRO growth.
  2. Have a rest without accomplishing any task and not get any additional reward.
You make up the task schedule by yourself. For example, if you accomplish 15 tasks per month, MAVRO increases by  60 % (standard 20% + additional 40%).
What kinds of tasks are there in MMM “EXTRA”?
MMM EXTRA has a huge base of tasks. They are accomplished online, thus you don’t even have to go out. You choose any task. Each task has a detailed instruction for a beginner PC user. Even student or a pensioner can deal with this task. It will take no more than 5-15 minutes to accomplish the tasks.
Examples of the tasks:
  • Like a YouTube video
  • Join a Facebook group
  • Share the news in Google Plus
  • Create a Pinterest group etc.

With MMM “EXTRA” you will build a powerful referral structure.
It is much easier to create the world without social inequality with the help of MMM “EXTRA”.  Besides getting extra Mavro, you get a chance to attract a lot of referrals and build your own powerful structure. During the tasks,  you place a referral link on websites, groups in social networks, comments under the video and so on. Newcomers that follow this link and register, automatically become your referrals and you get 10% from their each donated sum.
You receive a great income, even if they do not provide assistance by large sums. Inviting 100 newcomers with an average assistance of $ 100 to the Community , you receive $ 10 from the each newcomer. In total it is 1 000$. You do not render any assistance personally. Developing the  Community in MMM "EXTRA" and thereby inviting newcomers, you become provided financially and give a chance to other people to establish their life!
MMM "EXTRA" accelerates the Community development. There are 3 reasons why:
  1. Participants receive a higher percentage from the donated sum. They tell their friends and acquaintances about personal achievements, and those are gratified by their successes and also join MMM.
  2. For additional reward  participants accomplish tasks that are focused on the MMM development in the Internet. The point of these tasks is to attract newcomers.
  3. The increased participants’ activity creates  excitement around the Community. They speak about MMM, our reputation grows. People understand that only with the help of the Community they will live happily.
The program greatly increases the Community stability
With MMM "EXTRA" the Community is developed not only by guiders, but also by all  participants. The program unites all countries. If there are MMM difficulties in some state, the participants from other places of the world  help this problematic  region. This supports the Community stability in all countries.
MMM "EXTRA" is the right step towards changing the world!
Doing the tasks, you are contributing to the development of the Community. With the introduction of MMM "EXTRA" the popularity of MMM increases on social networks and forums, the official website visits and number of registrations also increase. The Community work becomes more stable.
The program opens new horizons for the newcomers. Accomplishing the tasks, they become more active. When newcomers are imbued with the spirit of the Community in MMM "EXTRA", they want to enter the School of guiders, to become online consultants, to organize offline MMM activities. This accelerates  the Community development.
Remember, that the main goal of the program and participants activity is to help other people. Help ordinary citizens that expend energy  at work and earn a penny. Invite all people to MMM because now a 100% growth of money is available for everyone! Live happily and give a chance to change their life to other people!


  1. But Nigeria is not part of the listed countries that can participate in this...


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