Tips of Advice for all Mavrodians

Good day my fellow Mavrodians, We all know Tuesdays and Thursdays are always our busy days,some people will PH while some will GH. Its always adviseable and nice to always pay your order on time,although you have 48hrs grace to make the payment but do so on time, don't wait for last hour before you make your payment cos you might have some difficulties in getting your POP uploaded, if eventually you've paid the person you were to pay but you were unable to upload your POP due to network issue of other challenges,the system will sees it as failed order and you'll be blocked, support might rectified the issue in making sure you're paid back but this requires a lot of patience, so always pay your order on time. 

Don't disturb the person you paid with calls, simply send a text message and give him/her some time for you to be confirmed. As for me, I always give max of 24 hours to whomsoever I paid to before I send him/her a text message.

To those Participants that always wants their sender to be begging them before they confirm them, you've forgotten you also PH to someone and hadn't been the person didn't confirmed you also, you won't be able to GH, this is called exchange of powers, you might be the next victim of unconfirmed order one day and you'll know the emotional pains the sender you failed to confirm is going through,  the CRO will confirm the person and the good part is that you'll be blocked for your wickedness act. Once you've received your money, confirm the person immediately. I dont know why some people will have the time to login to their POs to GH and once they received their money,theyll be giving you silly excuses before they confirmed you, this is also not good for the system, the continuity of  we PH and GH is what will keep this community stronger to last longer. 

Fake POP uploaders, you know yourselves and you know how wicked you're for your silly acts, if you have an active order and you were merged before the release date and you know you don't currently have the money, pls don't let us waste both of our times, the person you're to pay needs his/her money and that was why he/she GHed, simply click on I refuse the to make payment and let the person be provided with peoples that are ready to pay, although you'll be blocked for this but that doesnt mean you're loosing your account if you're blocked, you'll still have access to the account but not your P.O, just write to support and your account will be released with your green mavros intact thats if you have any. Pls don't  waste the person's time by uploading a fake POP. I always tell my dowlines this, don't upload a fake POP, just call the receiver and request for time extension and if anybody uploads a fake POP for you to waste your time, once the person paid, I beg you in God's name to wicked such person by delaying his confirmation  for the number of hours he/she delayed you too. This people needs to be wicked back, they're ones that devil is using to destroy our community but you'll never succeed, we shall overcome you and may God change your minds so that you'll stop this your wicked and silly behavior. Dont forget once you are to pay, you have the power within you comply to the order or not to for 48 hours, if you eventually uploads a fake POP and you later paid, the receiver now has the power to not to confirm you on time too, pls dont this and always call the receiver to extend the time for you.   Thanks for reading this and dont forget to share this also.

MMM, together will change the world.


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