Happy New Year to MMM

It  is with so much gladness and appreciation to God almighty that we congratulate the entire MMM NIGERIA COMMUNITY as we celebrate our 1st Anniversary.
This past year has been a happy and successful year in so many ways. It has been defined with loads of Happy Testimonies, thanks to you all who chose to embrace the life style of giving ,your attitude of giving has brought our community this far.

And of course there have also been some paths that may have been slightly  difficult in the journey so far. Yet in spite and despite the odd stumbling blocks along the way - we have travelled through year together  with love and unity PROVIDING HELP and GETTING HELP from each other .Our love for each other is radiating in every part of this Great Country Nigeria.
And as we take the time to express our gratitude for a fantastic year gone by - we turn expectantly to the year that lies ahead, The journey of bridging that gap between the Rich and the Poor has just began and we as a community that has embraced the attitude of giving looks forward to another wonderful year. A year to build and cultivate more of the right attitudes that would add value to our nation  NIGERIA and also sustain our community MMM NIGERIA.
Today, as we celebrate our MMM NIGERIA  Anniversary, we value even more, every participant  that we are able to share this occasion with. It doesn't matter where you go in life or what you achieve, or what you do - what matters most is who you have beside you along the way! Every participant is very much celebrated today, You made this happen . Thank you all for been part of this great community this past year...and may you be ever near in the years ahead.
CHUDDY 1M+ Guider
YINKA    1M+ Guider


  1. happy one year anniversary to all MMM participant.... long live MMM!!!


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