
Showing posts from October, 2016

How to Open MMM Nigeria Account using your phone

This video will direct you on how you can register MMM account on your phone and provide your first help without contacting any one for a guidance. 

MMM Website Upgrading

MMM website is currently undergoing some upgrading so as to serve the the participants well. This is being done due to the number of participants that keeps increasing everyday. Base on this, some people are experiencing difficulties in getting help, pls do not panic or cause unnecessary fair because this might reduce the strength of the community, just be patient, this will be resolved soon. 

MMM Ideology

The modern world is bad. It is inhumane, unfair and unjust. This is the world of money. It is not for people. It is for those who who produce this money, for bankers and financiers, government and millionaires. And people are mere "pawns" in this game. They just serve them as attendants. Why do bankers work less and earn a hundred times more? What lies behind the social welfare? Labor. But why do bankers live a hundred times better than common people who really work hard? Do the bankers work harder? Definitely they don't! In addition they do not even produce any material values, as opposed to the workers. Why then the difference in income is so enormous? Many wonder with all sincerity now, reading this: "Well... a banker and a worker, they cannot be compared! The banker-the head of the Bank, he has power over money, and is well-connected. And we are ordinary people, having no power or clout. Naturally, the banker lives better than we do. Meanwhile,